Our Services



We will provide draftings for any scale show. These draftings will be detailed enough for you to send to any production shop for quotation or build.


DHD specializes in consulting for theatre and concert venue construction. Whether it’s new construction, upgrades, or a top to bottom renovation, we will help make your space the usable and efficient for all involved.


From a small corporate event or a large scale arena tour, DHD has skilled concert and theatrical programmers to get your event off the ground. We are well versed in ETC Eos and GrandMA 2.



DHD can provide renderings for your event or production. These could also include a walk or fly-through of the space. This will give you, or your client, an idea of what your event will look like before walking into the event space.

Drafting Clean-Ups

We understand you may not have time to clean up and finish your draftings. Send them to us and we will clean them up for you. We can also build the sheet views and export the PDF files you will need.

Lighting Staff

DHD has access to some of the top lighting technicians in the US and Canada. If you’re looking for a Lighting Crew Chief, Master Electrician, Lighting 2 or Lighting 3 technician, we can help.